Home > Trail tales > 2006 > 75 years > Midwinter camp

Plenty of food, roaring fire but cold night ...
75th anniversary midwinter camp at Foothold

Check out some stunning photos.


The days were balmy but the night cold: someone left a bucket out and it was frozen in the morning.  The evening fire was about a meter tall at one stage: a blazing wigwam of tree trunks.


Fifty people were present for the evening meal and there were lots of tents around the camping ground, the hiking on Sunday was well attended.


The food was excellent, particularly the lamb, and there was plenty to go round.   It was cooked over the coals in 2 or 3 large poitjies and a couple of enormous pans.    There was a choice of 3 puddings, and had I known that I would be writing this account, I would have asked to sample all three, however, I can affirm that the sponge with a lemon sauce over it was divine.  We thank Millie for the poitjies, Jean Paezold for the soup and pudding, and Ernst who started the show with a warming gluhwein.


On the way home we came across Jean trying to push their campervan out of the way at the turning from the Foothold dirt road onto the main road: one drive shaft had become detached at the wheel.   After briefly evaluating 25 alternatives, it was decided to have a bash at towing them home to Heckport.  Cuan and Fern, who had arrived at the scene, towed the JHC trailer and I hitched up to the van.  After a gentle start, with Ernst listening for clonks from the drive shaft, we proceeded with more confidence.   Ernst is an excellent towee: I was the engine for the two of us and he was the brakes, we had no slackening of the rope and he did not try to overtake.   


News from Jim: there are now 2 additional beds at Foothold bought from donated money, an urn donated by a new member,  and a microwave bought second hand by the club.


John Corrie