Home > Trail tales > 2006 > Thank you

Time to appreciate ...
Thank you to the JHC committee

Time to appreciate


We take everything for granted and complain a lot

About the events of the JHC whether they’re good or not.

Take time to think of all that’s involved

As the JHC is really a pot of gold.

The committee is made up of all types

But thank you’s are rarely heard, only grips

They give freely of their time for the sake of our fun

So think again and be thankful for what they’ve done.


The chairman and vice have their own responsibility

If you are asked to assist, accept it with glee.

In a calm way the accounts are done

At the AGM he answers questions a ton.

Club eve or slide shows every month are enjoyed

Thanks to the coordinator for years he’s organised.

Granted, the administrator receives a nominal fee

Longer hours she works as she’s as busy as a bee.

Castle Gorge and Foothold give us so much pleasure

Property administrator does a fine job, that’s for sure.

Hikes organiser and committee, the programme prepare

But miss something out and they are given the glare.

Youthful hiking has grown, which is for the best

They’re the future of the club as we go to our rest.

Midweek, the latest to make it on the scene

Age means nothing as they are very keen.

Footnotes is interesting but most already read

Paperless is the answer, as its all on the web.

The web has improved with changes galore

Its uptodate and it’s one of the JHC’s core.

Sunday leaders pay a vital part, without who

Hikers would not know what to do.

Away leaders need a mention as well

Without weekends hiking, life would be hell.

High on the priority of everyone’s mind

At all socials, there’s food of all kind.

Hope everybody has been mentioned here

Apologies to those who do not appear.


All in all, be thankful for what the JHC holds

Enjoy every event as the year unfolds.

So let’s go on our merry hiking way

Thank you, thank you, thank you to our committee we say.

