Home > Trails/venues > Sunday trails > Bluebird Farm

Stinging nettles, thorn bushes, all worthwhile ...
Bluebird Farm

For those lucky enough to have a 4x4 or a car which is not too low to the ground, there is parking under trees at the start of the hike BUT not everyone is that fortunate.  There is, however, parking for normal cars as soon as one has travelled the long bumpy road up to the top gate of the farm.  Here you park and walk about 1km to join the rest of the group.

Take is easy to the ridge through typical dried African bushveld.  There are no paths so one must bundu bash through dried thorn trees, stinging nettles and over rough terrain to the escarpment.  The slog is well worth it once the top is reached as the magnificent patchwork fields display their splendour to the south whilst to the north the distant hills reveal their outline.  Leaders then head off in their own directions either down into the little known kloofs or a steady hike along the ridge of the escarpment.  The kloofs can be explored in shade but the ridge is open to the hot sun.

The bundu bashing is rough and one finishes the hike with scratches, stinging burns etc.  It’s a good idea to wear long pants and a long sleeve shirt/blouse on this hike.