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Home > Trails/venues > Sunday trails > Foothold > Monthly camp

Camaraderie, maintenance, fun and games ...
A typical Foothold monthly camp

The Friends of Foothold start arriving anytime after lunch on Friday.  A friendly and relaxed atmosphere reigns over the camp.  Some set up tents, other organise their campers with electricity and those who want comfort, settled into Hikers Haven. 


The ladies immediately set about cleaning the tables and organising tea and cake, which has become traditional with Foothold monthly camps.  Men see what maintenance is on the go, whether the grass needs mowing, any new building or alterations etc.  Everybody does their own thing for supper which is enjoyed around the outside tables.


A couple of people spend the morning or day at Foothold and then travel back home.   One of the JHC leaders, who assists with the maintenance at Foothold, brings his blind daughter for an enjoyable weekend in and around Hikers Haven.  Hikers marvel at how she reads brail.  Ladies take her for walks and let her feel various leaves, thorns etc.  Tea and plenty of cake is served about 10h00 and the camaraderie is priceless!!!  Back to the grind and some ladies might go for a walk/hike to check out the markers on routes and in doing so clear the paths at the same time.


Saturday dawns and everyone feels relaxed and ready to go.  More Friends of Foothold arrive during the day.  Men get an early start with the hard work whilst ladies check the list of ?“to do?’s?” and pick what they feel like doing, if any.  (Suggestions could be, clean windows, clean bathrooms, sweep up the leaves around Hikers Haven etc.) 


Lunch is a relaxed affair with lots of laughter.

More work, or a snooze, or whatever before tea and cake at about 15h00.  During the afternoon lots of hikers arrive and set up camp. 


Sundowners start at any hour but everyone is happy and relaxed in the tranquility of Foothold.  Magnificent sunsets are enjoyed before the ladies busy themselves with the table layout.  Colourful cloths cover the tables, wild flowers are picked and put into containers, candles are organised inside jars, so that they don?’t get blown out easily from the wind, and the atmosphere is set for a grand evening.  The braai is lit and gradually everyone cooks what they have bought with them and a supper is enjoyed in the company of good friends.  Winter months the campfire gives the warmth and glow necessary to keep everyone happy and satisfied.


The stars and moon are admired as slowly everyone settles down to a good nights sleep.


People start rustling as soon as the birds start chirping on Sunday morning.  Often early hikes are organised whilst the others take it easy and wait for the Sunday hikers to arrive.   The four different groups head off in whatever direction the leader chooses, for what is always an enjoyable hike on the escarpment above Foothold.


After the hike, there is either tea and cake served by the Friends of Foothold or a self catering braai which is enjoyed by everyone as stories of the day are told.  Congratulations are given to those hikers who climbed up or down the chain ladder for the first time.


All depart, feeling totally relaxed, for their journey home and the property administrator is left to clean up and clear away.

During the next couple of days, many discover tick bites as we hike through areas where cows have been.


Thank you to the Friends of Foothold for ensuring that Hikers Haven remains in a good clean state for us all to enjoy.