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Home > Trails/venues > Free State > Langesnek

Young and old, fit and unfit ...
Langesnek hiking trail, Ficksburg

On the Moolsmanhoek Private Nature and Game Reserve a third hiking trail has been opened to nature lovers.

Comprising two day trails, the facilities and trail layout have been developed to cater for young and old, fit and unfit. This is also the ideal retreat where families can bring their small children and grandparents to enjoy the tranquil farm environment and short walks.

Activities that can be enjoyed include the trail walking, horse riding, rowing and swimming in the pool at the base camp.

This trail highlights the splendour of the sandstone in the Eastern Free State?’s Witteberg area. One of the day trails takes one up onto the plateau from where there are lovely views across the farm towards the Visierskerf and Sekonyela?’s Hat, with the Malutis in the background. Places of interest include a sheep dip carved out of sandstone, unique rock formations, a miniature overhanging cave, natural sandstone pools like moonscape craters, and indigenous flora in and along the gorges. The midday stop is next to a clear dam filled with spring water and is the ideal spot to linger for a while. Near the end of the trail, there is a vantage point for taking photos to show the huge scale of this sandstone ridge.

The other day trail starts off by passing a very deep gorge before it starts the ascent towards the back of the Second Pyramid mountain. After passing the ?“Supertube?” mountain stream, the trail reaches an unexpected (and welcome) shady indigenous forest full of olienhout and ghwarrie trees. On reaching the top of the saddle, one has a choice. Here the fit and courageous hikers will have the opportunity to add another 2 km to their hike up the Pyramid mountain. The trail continues to follow the contours of the two Pyramid mountains through the indigenous forests and along the sandstone ridges to wind its way to the site of the overnight hut of the popular Sphinx trails. Here the natural dam offers a refreshing spot for lunch and time to relax and swim. The trail then returns following some of the second day of the Sphinx trail. It veers off after ?“Aunt Mitchell's High Tea Corner?” and winds underneath the sandstone ridge before returning to base camp.


Two day trails in a figure eight, one of 11,2 km and the other of 10,5 km, with an optional extra 2 km.

Degree of difficulty

Easy to average.

Overnight facilities

The Old Farmhouse: two-roomed dormitory for 24 people (7 single bunks, 4 double bunks and 1 double-bed bunk). Ablution facilities in the converted outbuildings: 2 toilets and 2 bathrooms. Fully equipped kitchen with electricity, a fridge, two-plate cooker, pots, pans and ?“potjies?”. Adjacent is the fireplace with part of the lapa under cover and enclosed. Swimming pool (not fenced).

There is also the Jeughuis for the Moolmanshoek Youth Adventure Centre: two lapas, spacious kitchen, ablution facilities and conference room.

For groups up to 100, both the Old Farmhouse and Jeughuis can be booked to accommodate 50 boys and 25 girls. Tent site for 4x4s with ablution facilities.

Pertinent information

  • Farm produce available in season.
  • Hiking groups of up to 30 can be accommodated with a caravan sleeping six being supplied.

Location of trail

45 km from Ficksburg, 230 km from Bloemfontein, 340 km from Gauteng


Acknowledgement and bookings: Jacana