Important Information

To get a better understanding on the layout of the downloadable programmes, head over to the "Programme" page.

Midweek Hikes - July 2012

Wed, 1 August 2012
Castle Gorge
Wed, 8 August 2012
Khatlampi Hike
Wed, 15 August 2012
Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens
Wed, 22 August 2012
Vergenorg Hike
Wed, 29 August 2012
Van Gaalens Hike

Midweek Hikes

Jim Hutchison and Frances Raal are the current Wednesday hike organisers. However, it all started a number of years ago when Jean Williams and her husband, Clive, retired. Walking was advised for health reasons and midweek hiking provided them with an option to get away from the weekend crowds, and enjoy a more relaxed hike in the country. The Midweek walks are generally more laid back than the Sunday hikes and often a venue is chosen where we indulge in a snack lunch or braai. Slow and moderate groups are formed as required. These midweek hikes are highly recommended, so come and see for yourself.

The Wednesday hikes organiser sends out, at the end of each month, an email regarding the following months events, giving directions, name and contact details of the coordinator, the fee and other relevant info.

This email goes out to JHC members only, but non members can request a copy by emailing the club administrator on [email protected]. All Wednesday hikers meet at the venue by 08h30.

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Contact Us

Marion Hüfner
Telephone Number:
010 590 1903
086 685 5746
Monday - Friday (08:30 - 12:30 CAT)
[email protected]
P.O. Box 4892,
Weltevreden Park

South Africa
Website Queries:
[email protected]
(Ryan de Haast)

Additional Queries

Permits & Patrolling