Kiddies Corner

Kids Christmas Tree
24 - 25 December 2012

Saturday afternoon, there was a treasure hunt for the kids. The hunt was to find a pot of Gold. There was a trail set out all over the area around Hikers Haven .A trail of chocolate gold coins, led some astray, while others were led to a fork in a tree where the pot of Gold was found. 2 lucky young ladies (Frances’ grandchildren) - well done. Everyone had fun. Once the sun went down, a night hike was organised to go looking for the nocturnal porcupine. Unfortunately none found. After a braai, there was a marshmellow roasting - yummmmm.
pdf, 68.5K, 12/07/12, 0 downloads
Printable Trail Tale
Sunday morning everyone was up bright and early, breakfast eaten , Sunday hikers arrived, all broke up into respective groups to go. Hiking.

The kids hike was through the birding area. While on this trail a fabulous Elf was discovered by the kids, he was resting in the old bath - he confessed to having arrived during the night with Santa and the Reindeer, whom had wondered off looking for the zebra. The Elf was looking for the Reindeer. He asked the children if they would help him find Rudolf.

Off they went following the elf, singing jingle bells and Rudolf the red nose Reindeer. After awhile, they discovered Santa at Millennium Koppie. Christmas tree, pressies and all. Santa had a gift for each child, beautiful cup cakes for all as well as a bucketful of fabulous sweets.

Once everyone had opened there pressies, the kids invited Santa and his Elf back to the house for a well deserved cold drink.

Rudolf and his fellow Reindeer were ever so elusive. The children, young and old, had an outstanding weekend.

Merry Christmas to all. Thank you for joining in the fun and making it happen .


Gift Time.jpg Present time.jpg Santa and the children 2.jpg Santa and the children.jpg The Elf Discovered.jpg Whats in the Bag.jpg


Article By: Megan Ingram
Photos By: Sue Desmond

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