Sunday/Midweek Hiking Venues
- hiking_venues_maps.pdf
Download Here
- Maps of Sunday/Midweek Hikes
pdf, 202.6K, 08/01/12
- hiking_venues_co-ords.pdf
Download Here
- Co-ordinates of Sunday/Midweek Hikes
pdf, 39.4K, 08/01/12
When hiking with us...
- Take them home...
- Cigarette butts
- Plastic bags
- Tins and cans
- Bottles
- Papers
Hiking & Social Activities
For more information on the particular event types that appear in our programme click on one of the topics below:
Sunday Hikes
Midweek Hikes
Adventure Hikes
Social Events
The above topics will give you a better insight to what you'll be able to look forward to, but please don't hesitate, we are looking forward to seeing you at these various events.
For the young ones we occasionally have events that cater for them as well, more information can be found in the "
Kiddies Corner" on past and upcoming events.
At least one week end camp is organised per month as well as quarterly backpacks, ranging from moderate to strenuous. For more information on the different hikes that appear on our programme, you can read about them by heading over to "
Hiking Venues". These hikes range from day hikes, base camp hikes, and backpack hikes.