Home > Midweek > 2005 > Villa Sulla

Tranquility and open spaces so near to Joburg ...
Villa Sulla to Laurentia

This is the first midweek memoir for over a year - well done Jean, much appreciated.  We were beginning to think that the 'retirees' had really gone into retirement!!!

Wednesday 14 September


On top of the Krugersdorp Hill, is a conference centre, Villa Sulla, and the owners kindly allowed us to park there.  We were only 10 hikers, so decided to stay together as one group.  We started from the Pratleys (the Glue People) property and headed towards Laurentia.  The veld, in parts, had been burned, but there were lovely wild flowers to be seen and many proteas and huge aloes.


At times, it was hard to realise that there is a town nearby, as we walked up and down hills.  Peter did a great job getting us across overgrown bushes along side the streams.  We came to a cliff, from where we could see Laurentia in the distance, but it was impossible to get down, so we back tracked until a suitable decline was found.   Again, bundu bashing, up a very steep slope from where we had a panoramic view of the valley and the numerous nurseries.  This ridge took us back to our cars.  A very pleasant morning walk in this amazing area, and lets hope the property developers keep away from this near to Joburg venue.

Jean Paetzold