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Fresh baked farm bread ...
Kroemahoek hiking trail, Brits/Northam

Only 150 km from Pretoria, this base hut trail is situated in the Swartwitpensbokfontein Mountains near Northam on the farm Nooitgedacht.  Two day circular trails of 14 km and 10 km on a private game farm. Trails easy to moderate.  Typical bush veld trails with dense indigenous forest, ravines and superb views - 360° radius from highest point.  Base camp, with a swimming pool, accommodates 14 hikers. Braai facilities. Gas fridge.


The farm, Kroemahoek, has been in their family since 1887.  Traditionally, and a homely touch, is the welcoming gift hikers are presented with on the Saturday evening – a scrumptious loaf of fresh baked farm bread.

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