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Home > Trail tales > 2005 > Midwinter camp

Midwinter madness fit for royalty ...
Midwinter Foothold camp

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Over the weekend 24-26 June the annual mid winter camp was held at Foothold. 


There was a handful of people of the Friday evening who, on Saturday, busied themselves with on-going maintenance to the buildings, clearing the grounds around Hikers Haven and cutting the overgrown bird walk trail.  During the day there was a gradual trickle of people coming to Foothold so many pots of tea were made, each with a serving of delicious cake.  By late afternoon about 60 people, ranging from age 6 months to 70 years, had set up camp, or made themselves happy in Hikers Haven. 


The scene was set, as tables were donned with colourful tablecloths, candles decorated the tables and snacks were set out.  A banquet was about to begin.


As the sun was setting, gluhwine was served to warm the cockles of everyone’s heart.  This set the tone for a really wonderful evening.  Delicious butternut soup and croutons came next.  As everybody put on another layer of cloths, the fire was lit which created a glowing effect.  The main meal was turkey or chicken and lamb with mint sauce, roast potatoes and mixed vegetables, all with plenty of gravy.  Chatter and laughter could be heard in all corners of the camp area.  A variety of three puddings with hot custard was enjoyed whilst sitting around the camp fire.  As the temperature dropped so more and more chairs were put around the fire.


A handful of people washed all the dishes so that others could enjoy themselves with jokes and laughter around the fire.


Too many people to thank, but the social team must be commended for a really great meal.  A big THANK YOU to all concerned, you all know who you are.

Sunday morning saw the clean up before all the day hikers arrived.  Groups were then organised for a great day’s hiking in the fantastic winter weather which prevailed.  A very sociable bring and braai was enjoyed by many.