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Home > Trail tales > 2005 > Never too old

Never too old ...
Selwyn Lager

We can all learn something from what Selwyn has written in the last paragraph.


A retired professional engineer, Selwyn turned 76 in 2005.  He has seven granddaughters and one great grandson and his enthusiasm and enjoyment from hiking with the Johannesburg Hiking Club is inherent in the following.


My first visit to the JHC took place in 1984, following my brother?’s insistence that I accompany him on a Sunday hike in the Magaliesberg.  It was at Mokabi where trail paths were still in pristine condition.  During this period, I met up with property owner Hugo Behrens whilst labelling some of his indigenous trees.


It was here that my interest in the Magaliesberg took hold and I kept coming back time after time to different venues.


The marvellous feeling was the ability to leave behind all things that weighed heavily on my body and spirit.  It created a new gift of freedom for my well-being. Exhilaration and solitude were as breathtaking as the surroundings.


I became a full time member of the JHC in the early nineties.  I have since been an active trekker and enjoying life.  I do not complain much about old age these days, remembering that some of my good friends were denied this privilege.


An old friend once said, ?“You are never too old to become a little younger?”.


Selwyn Lager