Welcome ... to the official web trail of the Johannesburg Hiking Club. We trust you will enjoy this journey with us.

Mission statement ...of the Johannesburg Hiking Club is to ensure and organise a continuing programme of hikes and hiking related events, and to foster a sense of responsibility towards the environment within which its hiking activities take place.

Take a hike...interested?Meet like minded outdoor and conservation orientated people who wear heavy boots and smell like the mountain air. Youthful, midweek and Sunday hikes, backpacks, base camp weekends, slide show/club eve and social events. Hiking in South Africa can be fun - try us!
Its not all hiking, we do have fun ...
Slide show/club evening

The Johannesburg Hiking Club, as it's name suggests, concentrates on HIKING, but ............

Take a look at our versatile programme and you will see that entertainment is high on the agenda.

The slide show/club evening is held on the second Tuesday of every month (first Tuesday in December, due to holidays) at 19h30 sharp, unless otherwise indicated in the prgramme. The venue is The Floreum, the Botanical Gardens, Olifants Road, Emmarentia.  The fee, as stated in the programme, includes tea/coffee and a variety of the best cakes in town, which are served after the slide show.

The first presentation which Peter Faugust, the slide show specialist, organised was in December 1980 and he has never missed a month - congratulations.

May 1989 saw the 100th slide show and in October 1997 the 200th show was enjoyed.

Venues have changed, starting off at the Council for Adult Education in Parktown, then at the Mountain Club of South Africa's club house in the grounds of the Old Fever hospital and finally at the present venue of the Floreum, Emmerantia.

The choice of presenters has always been outstanding as well as their subjects ranging from animals to spiders, hikes to mountain climbers and venues from all over the world, in fact, any subject which is of interest and where the presenter has excellent slides.

So if you have nothing to do on the second Tuesday of every month (member or non member) please come along and join in - you won't be disappointed.





Tues 12

Slide Show

“Audio-visual – a digital presentation” by Paul Salvado (FPSSA)


Tues 10

Slide show

“Ladakh- A Himalayan Adventure” by Carol Dunning.


Tues 14

Slide Show

“Mt Kenya – a kaleidoscope of Natural Wonders” by Kate Dryden