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Why hiking ...
Hiking hints

This is a reasonable question.

The reply from somebody who does not hike would be negative, probably: 'that sounds too much like hard work' BUT they don?’t know what they are missing.

From a hikers point of view, there is nothing better and more enjoyable, especially on a Sunday.

Don't become a couch potato - get out into nature, enjoy what our beautiful countryside has to offer, breath in fresh air, obtain the satisfaction of hiking the distance and reaching the crest of the hill and the next one, chatting to fellow hikers - the list is endless and the rewards astonishing.

Hiking is not an expensive past-time, so there's no excuse.  The whole family can join in and experience something unique.  It has become a marvellous catalyst for bringing people of different walks of live together who prefer shedding urbanised activity for the placid joys and robust thrills of the outdoor.
Hikers socialise, exercise, get healthy and appreciate the environment. 
If you can hear the beat of your heart in your ears after a full days outing, then you?’ve had a healthy adventure and you really feel great, full of energy and well being.  You discover you are in better shape than you imagined.  The principle of competing against oneself is about self-improvement, about being better than you were the day before.
Get out on a Sunday from the urban ugliness, stress and/or depression, to the unrivalled freedom and open enjoyment of the beautiful Magaliesberg with sweeping views of the countryside and limitless panoramas which produce an air of tranquillity not found elsewhere close to home.
Many of the JHC?’s hiking fraternity have reached their ?‘sell by date?’, but unlike supermarkets, which discard their products, our old timers prove hardy, resilient and a lot fitter than some of the younger generation.  This is because over time, hikers develop a certain physical and mental fitness.
?“We don?’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.?’