All persons taking part in club activities do so entirely at their own risk and must adhere to the rules of the Johannesburg Hiking Club.
1. Hikers must follow the instructions of the appointed leader and must remain with the main party unless the leader has agreed to splinter group controlled by a nominated sub-leader. Carry your medical aid card or details with you at all times.
2. No fires may be lit (except at designated sites by permission of the hike leader) and must be extinguished completely before leaving the site.
3. All litter must be carried away.
4. No uprooting of plants or picking of flowers is permitted and care must be taken to avoid damaging trees, fences or private property.
5. Dogs and radios are not allowed on hikes or at camps.
6. Anyone under the age of 18 years who attends a hike, must be the responsibility of a nominated member.
7. Nude bathing can be offensive. Please exercise discretion.
8. All behaviour likely to bring discredit to the name of the club, is to be avoided.