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Leaders N-Z
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Alphabetical order of christian names. Here we have N-Z

Nathalie Berquet moved to SA in June 2000 and joined the JHC 3 months later. She eats neither frog's legs nor snails! Rather a salmon filet with herbs on the braai or a tuna pasta salad. She enjoys scuba-diving in the Indian Ocean as well as hiking on various trails. Hiking in SA is for Nathalie an invigorating and great experience. Her favourite hiking trails are Holhoek and the Otter Trail. Worst hike ... none … so far!

Nick Corbin has been hiking with JHC since about 2000. He is in the IT department of a major bank, and enjoys getting away into the hills at weekends. Cannot say which is his favourite hike, as every hike is different. Enjoys leading hikes as it gives him a chance to put something back into the club, and backpacking, as it presents an opportunity to 'get away from it all' and to be self-sufficient for a couple of days. His favourite hike was the West Highland Way in Scotland, which he would never even have dreamt of attempting had it not been for the experience gained on many dayhikes and backpacking trips with the JHC. Favourite trail recipe: pasta, tuna sachet, margarine sachet (for oil), cherry tomatoes. Worst hiking experience: no such thing!

Neil Ransome runs his own engineering company.  He is an ‘oldie’ having joined the club in 1981 and his favourite hike is Cedarberg.  Golf, golf and more golf are his hobbies.  Best hiking experience is strenuous hiking in the Berg.  Witsieshoek – Fangs traverse.  Up the chain ladder, down Fangs, up Icidi and back to the chain ladder.  Neil’s worst hiking experience was Mnweni when it rained.  It took a long time crossing flooded rivers, everything was wet and the hike took an extra day.  Favourite trail recipe:  for lunch, tuna: for dinner, cup of soup, smash and bully beef.

Paul Menge is a sales manager for a large cable company.  He has been a member of the JHC since 1992 and sees ‘leading as being able to give a little something back’.  Paul’s hobbies include bowls, dancing, folk music and food.  Kloof Waters is his favourite hike with the Otter Trail as his best hiking experience.  Paul cannot think of a worst hiking experience (probably there have been occasions when blisters, cold or rain have taken the smile from his normally cheerful face).  Favourite trail recipe:  Paul is a gourmet cook so it is a surprise to learn that he enjoys a simple meal of ‘oats so easy’ and rice crispies.

Peter Faugust has been a member of the club since 1976.  He is a keen photographer and has been organising the JHC's slide shows since 1980.  Peter came to South Africa from Sweden in 1969. He enjoys eating noodles and sauces for energy. His favourite hikes are: backpacking across Lesotho and the traverse over the Klein Zwartberg in the Cape.

Robbie MacDonald is an engineer.  Joined the club in 1997 and is presently vice chairman (2004-2005).  Fountain Gully is his favourite hike with cycling, photography and wind surfing being his hobbies.  Best hiking experience was reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro.  Robbie does not have any worst hiking experience – even a bad hike is better than a day in the office.  Favourite trail recipe: long drop and plash (soya mince and smash!)

Robin Hoare is retired after a successful career in metallurgy.  Since 1990 he has enjoyed both the hiking and social events of the JHC.  Robin’s favourite hike in South Africa is the Drakensberg but he loves the Haute Alpes de Provence in France.  His specialities are bridge, sport, music, gardening, history, wine, women and all night mega-parties.  Best hiking experience:  the trail from Cathedral Peak to Injasuthi but overseas the backpacking trips in Provence.  His worst hiking experience was a blizzard encountered on the second day of the coast-to-coast hike in UK.  Favourite trail recipe: baguette with French cheese and wine.

Rod Allport was one of the first 'youthful' hikers but has integrated well into the JHC and now leads various day and weekend away hikes.  Rod has been hiking in the Magaliesberg for the past 30 years: mainly Tonquani. At first he enjoyed rock climbing with the MSCA. He now prefers hiking, as it is more energetic without the fear factor. Favourite hiking area is the unspoilt Cedarberg mountains with its rich source of rock art and interesting rock formations. He is not a fussy eater as long as the food is tasty and energy giving.

Rod Hamilton is a fairly new member of the JHC. An interview will be conducted shortly with him.

Shimon Botbol is the managing director of his own company and has been with the club for about 19 years.  His favourite is any of the Magaliesberg hikes.  Best hike was the Outenique trail with no worst event as he enjoys every experience a hike can throw at him.  He claims work, work, work and add some music as his interests.   Shimon likes to be organised and prepares a tomato and herb past sauce before the hike.  He makes it from scratch boiling tomatoes herbs and oil with maybe a little meat.  On the hike he cooks pasta and heats up the sauce.

Shirley Menge is the other half of Paul. They enjoy hiking together. An interview will be conducted shortly with Shirley to hear about her likes and dislikes.

Tom Kenny has been hiking with the JHC for several years. He’s the managing director of a large electronics manufacturing company. His hobbies are astronomy and history. Tom’s best hike was Kilimanjaro and he makes the most of them all, i.e. no worst hiking experience. Favourite trail recipe; corned beef with smash and re-hydrated veggies.