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Leaders J - M
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Alphabetical order of christian names. Here we have J to M.

Jack Dempsey is a patternmaker by trade (not dress patterns). He makes wooden patterns (moulds) which are used by the foundries to make castings (a car engine is cast from metal being poured into a pattern). Jack's favourite hike is Baviaanskrans, which is a 2 day hutted back pack in the Rustenburg Nature Reserve. His most disliked hike is Foothold. Favourite hiking food is corned beef. On back packs, he always carries some Irish Whisky!! Although he is from Scotland, his surname is Irish and he has Irish ancestors.

Janet Wooding is an architect and tour guide who joined the club in 2001.  Castle Gorge is undoubtedly her favourite hike.  Janet?’s interests are reading and swimming (she is a Midmar Mile competitor) and most important, spending value time with the kids.  Best hiking experience was Kilimanjaro and no worst hike.  (Janet is also the owner of the most wicked laugh in the business, so listen out!)

Jean Paetzold is ?‘minister of home affairs?’ and is an ?‘oldie?’ of the club as she joined in 1981.  Her favourite hike is the Strandlooper.  She enjoys baking, sewing and birding.  Jean?’s best club hiking experience was after many hours of back breaking labour laying pipes, being able to turn on a tap and have running water at Foothold.  Worst hiking experience was when Sid Turner had a heart attack and the resulting problems of first aid and getting him back to medical attention. Favourite trail recipe: tuna and smash.

Jean Williams is retired but in 2003 took over as the administrator of the JHC.  Jean joined the club in 1991 and her favourite hike is the Otter trail.  Jean is passionate about birding, knowledgeable about trees and enjoys music, cooking and teaches paper craft. Jean thoroughly enjoys organising and leading the midweek hikes for the club.  She does not like anything that is wet and cold.  Favourite trail recipe: pasta with mushrooms bacon and cheese (to hell with the calories!).

Jim Arnett enjoys retirement after a career in geology.  He joined the club in 1993 and his interests are listening to classical music, reading good books and being handy around the house.  Favourite hike was around and into the volcanic craters on Reunion with hiking around Reunion as the best hiking experience.  Being between Piton de Neige and Belouvre (also Reunion) where there was a muddy and slippery 25km long downhill hike is rated as Jim?’s worst hiking experience.  Favourite trail recipe ?– simple geologist fare, biltong and marie biscuits.

Jim Hutchison is retired and has had 15 delightful years with the club, he joined in 1989.  He is presently the property administrator for the JHC.  Jim?’s favourite extended hike was the 5 night Amatola trail with several favourite day hikes, namely, Cedarberg, Boulder, Tonquani Kloof followed by a swim and braai at Mountain Sanctuary.  His interests and hobbies are gardening and the ?‘Friends of Foothold?’.  Worst hiking experience was the last hour of the day?’s climb from Cathedral Peak Hotel to Twin?’s Cave, carrying extra water and against a strong wind.  Favourite trail recipe: corned beef, onion and pasta with a dash of mampoer.

John Hodgson is the present chairman of the JHC.  He has been a member for many years and enjoys a strenuous backpack.  Further details still to come.

Ken Middleton runs a building contract company.  He joined the club in 1990 and his favourite hike is Tonquani.  His hobbies include photography and painting (not house!) ?– exhibits monthly at Zoo Lake Artists-in-the-Sun.  Best hiking experience was Kilimanjaro and he does not have any worst hiking experiences as he loves them all even with a broken leg!!  Favourite trail recipe:  irradiated mutton with dehydrated vegies followed by custard with stewed fruit and cheese and biscuits.

Laurie Podmore describes himself as an entrepreneur who has had experience in many fields of business.  He joined the club in 1987 and says his favourite hike is Bartlett?’s Farm.  Cooking, scuba diving and entertaining the ladies are his interests and hobbies.  Without doubt his best hiking experience was the Otter Trail with the Port Edward to Port St Johns hike in the rain as his worst hiking experience.  Favourite trail recipe: a special type of stroganoff made with fried onions, tender beef and spices with rice mixed in.

Mike McLoughlin is an attorney. He joined the club in 1995. Mike is one of those tough customers who thoroughly enjoys the Drakensberg hikes. His favourite is Fangs. Mike declined to give a specific interest or hobby but said he thoroughly enjoyed living life to the full. Best hiking experience was an occasion on Ifidi Buttress during which his group used ropes to get passed a difficult section. On the worst hiking experience, Mike subscribes to the philosophy that a bad days hiking is still better than a day in the office and loves them all. Favourite recipe: Mike does not go in for anything fancy and enjoys all food provided that it is not too heavy to carry up the Berg.

Milly Saffer is retired but has been press ganged to play ?‘grannies taxi?’ (willingly of course).  She has been with the club since 1978 with her favourite hike being Foothold.  Millie is famous for her catering ability.  She enjoys hiking and is very involved in the Wilderness Leadership School.  Best hiking experience is with true team spirit undoubtedly the Foothold work parties.  Worst hiking experience:  Millie had to be assisted from the top after being struck by lightning while hiking on Elizabeth?’s farm.  Favourite trail recipe:  a vegetable potjie at car camps.