Welcome ... to the official web trail of the Johannesburg Hiking Club. We trust you will enjoy this journey with us.
Mission statement ...of the Johannesburg Hiking Club is to ensure and organise a continuing programme of hikes and hiking related events, and to foster a sense of responsibility towards the environment within which its hiking activities take place.
Take a hike in South Africa...interested?Meet like minded outdoor and conservation orientated people who wear heavy hiking boots and smell like the mountain air. Youthful, midweek and Sunday hikes, backpacks, base camp weekends, slide show/club eve and social events. Hiking in South Africa can be fun - try us!

Patrollers are regularly required for Castle Gorge.
Spend a relaxing day at this most prestigious area. Easy hiking, crystal clear rock pools, magnificent waterfall - patrolling should be fun, a good way to give something back to the club. Interested - contact, the administrator 011 462 2993 or [email protected]