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Home > Youthful

For the young at heart ...
Youthful hiking

Missed out of the youthful hiking November programme but a hike which should not to be missed: WHALE TRAIL13/18 Nov 06: Cost R918(R966) member (non member).  Please email: [email protected] for bookings or further infomation OR contact the club administrator on 011 462 2993.

Beverly Brockman is the present, confident, youthful hiking leader and her enthusiasm has 'rubbed' off and youthful hiking is expanding ... so ... if you are keen check out the programme below. A need has been filled for the over 18's who, in conjunction with the more mature and experienced hikers, can now enjoy hiking in a positive and enthusiastic way. By the way everyone is invited to join in to youthful hiking events as well as any other JHC event.

Check out the youthful hikes from the main programmes:    
September  October   November   December