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Tarzan's ropes ...
Wild fig

This group consists of those trees and plants indigenous to the area and those selected are randomly picked from a vast list.

One can but admire how the web of roots clutch to the rocks or dangle in mid air.  Hold on to these roots as you clamber over the rocks and feel their strength.  Listen for the bird life finding peace and tranquility amongst the foliage of these massive trees.   

One gift of nature’s masterwork is the impressive Wild Fig Tree.  There are 720 species worldwide, mostly in Asian countries.  100 are in Africa and 23 in South Africa.  
The Magaliesberg is dominated by a group of four, consisting of the Red Leaf Rock Fig, Common Wild Fig, Wonderboom Fig and Large Leaved Fig.  Its life cycle varies between 100 and 500 years plus, depending on the species and harshness of the environment.
Tree roots sculptured by some wondrous miracle of nature never stop to fascinate botanists, nature lovers and the hiking fraternity.  They clamp and claw themselves into rock fissures and crevices and do the most complicated and extraordinary contortions.  Complex muscular root systems which spread over boulders like octopuses or hang down rocky steep slopes like a show of mock bravado, are testimony to the tenacity of these energetic woody perennials.  The robust trunk, with its branches and leaf structure baking in the sun, is as beautiful as the weathered rock formations of the surrounding mountainside.