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Home > Trails/venues > Limpopo > Stamvrug

Unique fauna and flora ...
Stamvrug hiking trail, The Waterberg

Escape to the tranquility and seclusion of The Waterberg, with more than 3,000 hectares to explore. Indulge in the beauty of nature with deep gorges and clear rock pools. Unique fauna and flora abound in this bird-watchers' and wildlife paradise. Bateleur Nature Reserve is famous for its SAHTOA accredited Stamvrug Hiking Trails, consisting of seven different circular - and day trails, laid out amongst the kloofs and escarpment.  Stay in self-catering secluded farmhouses, cabins or base camps.  Enjoy hiking, game viewing, bird watching, mountain biking, swimming and fishing but first and foremost relaxing in The Waterberg Wilderness.

The Stamvrug Hiking Trails are situated 25 km outside Bela-Bela (Warmbaths), Limpopo where there are different routes. The network consists of the Kloof, Leopard, Escarpment, Moepel, Game, Sebra and Porcupine trails covering a total distance of 62,3 kilometres. The Kloof and Sebra Trails, or alternatively the Leopard and Porcupine Trails form a two day circular trail. The Escarpment, Moepel and Game Trails are one day circular trails of various lengths and grades of difficulty.

The main vegetation type can be considered to be Silver cluster-leaf Terminalia sericea (Vaalbos) and wild syringa Burkea africana veld, typical of the Waterberg-bushveld.

Breathtaking kloofs, with lovely swimming holes, are the main attraction, but stunning views occur along the trails.

Acknowledgements:  Bataleur Nature Reserve and Trailinfo